Sharing our ideas

This site was developed as a way to share ideas about issues that affect our clubs. The stories have a brief introduction and if you click on Share your ideas you will be able to comment and add your ideas.
Please note: You will need to log into the District website to make a comment. If you don't know how to do so go to District Website in Club Management. 
Club management has information about many of the aspects of managing a Rotary Club-to get to Club Management go to MyLearning and click on Club Management.
Promotional kits
Do you think we need to develop promotional kits for clubs? For major events eg. Mental Health
There are exciting projects happening in the District so share your ideas
Growing our clubs

In this space please record your ideas on how we can attract new members and retain our existing members

Using the correct banding for your club is very important. Share your ideas about using the Rotary Brand.