What is Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA)?

MUNA is an annual event that is part of an International Rotary project to educate senior high school students on the United Nations (U.N.) organisation. The way the U.N. plays a vital role in promoting world peace, in addition to improving health, education and living standards around the world.

The event provides an excellent forum for students to develop and practise their public speaking skills whilst debating resolutions on topical world issues.

MUNA is held in many Rotary Districts around Australia. The team that places first in MUNA will be invited to compete at the Australian National MUNA at the Museum of Australian Democracy (Old Parliament House) in Canberra. (There will be financial support from Rotary District 9675).

Participants (now known as delegates) are asked to research a country to which they are allocated, form a stance on each resolution and choose a national costume.
As delegates they are encouraged to do as much research as possible to improve their understanding of the country allocated and its issues. One delegate will be asked to present a one-minute speech detailing an overview of political, economic and social conditions in your country.

Delegates need to research to form a stance on each resolution from the point of view of their allocated country and be prepared to argue their position on each resolution so they can convince the assembly to vote in their favour.

Delegates are also strongly encouraged to adopt their country’s national dress.  There will be a separate award to the team with the most appropriate/interesting national dress.


When and where?

NSW Parliament House Sydney
Macquarie Street Sydney
Date – 8th June 2024
9am -4pm
Costings – $495.00
Closing date – 3rd May 2024


Narelle Wilson             Email:  holroydrotary@outlook.com
Jenny Pedley                Email: connaljenny@yahoo.com.au
Judith Humphreys      Email: jshumphreys14@gmail.com

Deborah Hill                Email: torcolihill@hotmail.com