Hello and Welcome to all members

DG Warwick's video this month introduces Haggai who was born in a remote village in PNG with a large facial growth.  You will hear from Warwick how ROMAC and Doctors at Westmead Hospital transformed her life. Watch this inspiring story here.
Happy Birthday
Congratulations to the following Clubs in our District who achieve milestones this month:
  • Burwood turns 85 on 20th October
  • Fairy Meadow had their 57th birthday on 2nd October
  • Gregory Hills Next Gen turns 6 on 9th October
  • Kings Cross achieved 58 years on 4th October
  • Picton will celebrate 58 years as well on 12th October
Congratulations to all club members from your District Team.
To find out about events being held by Clubs, check out the Club News page on our website - link below.

Governance Matters

What is Public Liability
Public liability insurance is designed to protect our organisation against claims resulting from accidents or injuries that occur as result of our activities, as well as accidental damage to property owned or controlled by someone else. 
Should a potential claim be notified to the Club, please immediately contact Joanne Glasser our District Insurance Officer for claim procedures and forms.
Some things you may be covered for:
  • Legal costs incurred in the defence or settlement of a claim
  • Cover for others that may be acting on behalf of your Club when the incident occurred
  • Loss or damage of goods – which are in your care custody or control which you do not own
  • Loss or damage of someone else’s property that occurs while performing your service
  • First aid expenses at the time of an incident
  • Injury to others who sustain injury whilst visiting your premises


On September 17th, ROMAC Eastern Chair Anita Robinson and District 9675 ROMAC Chair Jennifer Pedley welcomed 2-year-old Taisha and her mother Lilly from Tanna Island, Vanuatu.  They were both extremely tired after their flight but happy to have finally arrived in Sydney.  Taisha requires medical treatment for a facial Encephalocele.  Her operation is scheduled for Friday, 27th September at the Children’s Hospital Westmead. Since her arrival, Taisha has made several visits to the Children’s Hospital Westmead for an MRI, CT scan, x-rays and consultations with her medical team who will be involved in her care.
None of these arrangements would have been possible without the aid of Rotary members.  A very big thank you to the Rotary Club of Parramatta whose members have been wonderful hosts and have volunteered to visit Taisha in the hospital and to assist and support her mother, Lilly, through what must be a very traumatic time.  
The work of ROMAC is continuous and next month Nayline, a 10-year-old girl from Santo Island Vanuatu and her dad Henry will arrive on Tuesday 22nd October.
Nayline will require surgery at The Children’s Hospital, Randwick for severe scoliosis.
ROMAC Needs Your Help
We are seeking assistance with home hosting for Nayline and her dad Henry, starting from Tuesday 22nd October. Help is also required with transportation to the Sydney Children’s Hospital in Randwick for preoperative tests and Specialist appointments
If you can assist, even if it’s just for a few days, please reach out to Anita Robinson M: 0417 457 055
We would be incredibly grateful for any support you can offer.
On another note, Anita and Jenny received a warm welcome from the Rotary Clubs we visited this month.  Thank you to Sydney Cove and Sydney Darling Harbour for your hospitality. 
We are eager to visit more Rotary & Rotaract clubs to provide insight into ROMAC and how you can help improve the lives of children like Taisha and Nayline.  
Please contact Anita Robinson; anitagrobinson@outlook.com or Jennifer Pedley at connaljenny@yahoo.com.au to schedule a visit.

End Polio Train Ride

This is a reminder about the 8th annual Train Ride to End Polio on the 24th of October in Greater Sydney and the 23rd of October in the Illawarra. 
A big thank you to Mark and Dave Anderson for organising this event once again!  Also thank you to Kerrie Guillaume who will be at the helm for the duration of the Illawarra end of the train ride which will be held the day before on the 23rd of October.
With the recent case in Gaza and new cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the need to support those who are providing vaccines in these and other countries is more important than ever. Where possible, donations of $1,950 per club are being sought or whatever you are able to donate would be greatly appreciated. Every dollar makes an impact.
Details for payments are 
Club Donations : BSB 342 011   Account 523 370 001                    
Personal Donations: BSB 342 011   Account 663 499 001
Action List for your Club
  1. Commit your Club to donating $1,950 or whatever you can donate during October.
  2. Encourage your members and others to support the campaign by
    giving $1 per station – there are over 200 train and light rail stations in Sydney stations so a $200 donation to show support would be amazing,
    if they are not already Polio Plus Society members, this is the best way to become a member.
  3. Transport for NSW cannot give Mark and Dave the Greater Sydney timetable till 2 weeks prior to the event
    Mark will send this out as soon as it’s ready.
    Kerrie will send the timetable out for the Ilawarra line so keep an eye out for her email!
In the interim, we need to know which clubs will be participating in the train ride, so please let Mark and I know as soon as possible.   Note: Mark's email is mark.anderson@rotary.org
Put it in your diary: Thursday 24 October, get your Red END POLIO NOW Shirt from RDU Supplies and join the train ride to end Polio.
How great would it be if every club in the Illawarra and Greater Sydney supported this event! 
RYLA is a leadership program for people aged 19-25 on 28 January to 2 Februrary 2025 and will be held at the Tops Conference Centre, Grevillea, 51 Bendena Gardens, Stanwell Tops 2508, and is sponsored by Rotary Clubs.
RYLA 2025 applications are due on 30 November 2024 and we already have received some applications in RYLA.
By the way, the RYLA committee would hate to think a RYLA candidate missed out because of a lack of sponsorship. 
If your club is unable to sponsor all the candidates you think are deserving of attending RYLA, please email the RYLA Team: ryla9675.seminarteam@gmail.com.
MediSharea national project of Rotary Australia World Community Service is a Medical Surplus Recovery Organisation (MSRO), working within the guidelines of the World Health Organisation to share sustainable healthcare solutions with developing countries.
Geared for larger projects and working with a range of partners, government & not-for-profit organisations.  MediShare collects new and usable surplus medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceutical products from hospitals, manufacturers, and distributors. The donated materials are processed to ensure quality and made available to under-resourced health care providers through direct shipments to international institutions and communities.  
MediShare is accredited with MedSurplus Alliance, a program of the Task Force for Global Health in the United States to work with the Kits4Life program. And currently the first and only MSRO outside of the US that has achieved this accreditation. Kits4Life is a not-for-profit platform created to re-purpose unused clinical trial lab kits and clinical supplies for humanitarian aid. MediShare now works with numerous global Pharmaceutical Companies to recover the surplus clinical trial lab supplies for humanitarian aid. It is a sustainable alternative to destroying unused or expired lab kits.
In the last 3 years consumables and equipment having a retail value of $50 million plus has been donated to MediShare for humanitarian aid. In alliance with HealthShare NSW, MediShare is working on a hospital blanket and linen project, logistically managing 200,000 hospital blankets, manually folding and palletising them plus $8 million worth of new barrier and operating theatre linen.
MediShare has corporate volunteer days where staff members satisfy their companies corporate and social responsibility obligations by volunteering their time. School groups also volunteer as well as Inner Wheel clubs and Rotary clubs. 
The Pacific region, PNG & Timor Leste’ face significant challenges related to healthcare access, and MediShare is committed to bridging this gap through its logistics and supply chain collaboration to provide medical equipment and pathology items to these countries. MediShare can also support animal welfare organisations with pathology products and other consumables. Enquire about MediShare’s sponsorship program and support these organisations or donate $1,000.00, or what you can afford to help power MediShare’s vital  mission.
Contact: Keith Roffey

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